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Frequently Asked Questions
What is a Home Inspection?
A home inspection is a complete visual examination of all the systems and physical structural elements of a home.
Why do I need a Home Inspection?
A professional inspection will give you a clear picture of the many systems and structural elements that make up the property. If you are selling your home, a listing inspection will point out any potential problems that might be uncovered later by the buyers inspector. Finding them early will allow you to address them before listing your home. If purchasing a home, you will learn of any and all issues that can potentially affect the quality and a possible negotiation on price for any fixes needed. It will also give you an idea of the amount of work that will need to be done to the home prior to purchase.
What does a Home Inspection include?
A standard inspection covers all the major systems and structural elements of the home. This includes the condition of the home’s heating and air conditioning systems (HVAC), plumbing and electrical systems, roof, foundation (including driveway and walkways on the property), attic and visible insulation, walls, doors, garage doors, windows and all visible structures.
Do I need to be there during the Inspection?
We highly recommend that you be present. By following the inspector you can ask questions directly and the inspector can explain maintenance tips for specific areas.You are able to best understand the finished report and get the most benefit from it by having been there during the inspection.
Can a House Fail an Inspection?
It can fail based on prerequisites, meaning if the home has a major problem, such as a crack in the foundation or termites, major mold. In those cases, the inspector will recommend having that fixed and then be reinspected.
How long will the Inspection take?
The time will vary depending on both the size and condition of the home. For most homes, 3 hours is pretty typical. But for larger homes, or homes in poor condition, it may take longer.
Does a newly constructed home need an Inspection?
Absolutely! A professional inspection of a new home is important. It can spot potential problems early and possibly have it fixed under warranty, while they are still easy to correct.
Do you need information on Wind Mitigation in the inspector’s report?
It’s only needed if requested. It helps consumers understand how a structure’s roof might perform (in its present state) during hurricane-force winds. This is the only inspection that can reduce your homeowners insurance. Generally a good idea when a newer roof has been installed.
Do you inspect driveways as well?
Yes. Driveways are included in all Full Inspections.